Application to join MENZSHED NZ

This information is for “SHEDS” wishing to join MENZSHED NZ. Individuals wishing to join a shed should contact their local shed. CLICK HERE to find your local shed.

An organisation, hereafter referred to as a “shed”, may apply to become a member of MENZSHED NEW ZEALAND Inc provided that:

  • The shed is a legally established organisation, either independent or under the umbrella of another legally established organisation; and
  • The shed’s primary purpose must provide an environment for men for their personal growth and well-being.

The shed applying for membership needs to consider how the organisation complies with the above criteria.

A shed that is already an Incorporated Society or Charitable Trust meets the first criteria.  A shed operating under the umbrella of another legally established organisation is expected to have an agreement in place that outlines the relationship between the shed and the umbrella organisation.

The second criteria of ”providing an environment for men for their personal growth and well-being” can be demonstrated in a number of ways.  The organisation’s name, including the word Menzshed or Men’s Shed and variations of these terms, can indicate that the shed is for men but that does not imply that it must be a men only organisation. That decision is the responsibility of the individual shed.  Some sheds may refer to themselves as a “community workshop” or something similar.

The Rules (Aims and Objectives) of the shed may include references to providing an environment (workshop) for men and their health and well-being as one of their main purposes.  Organisations that do not have such specific references to men in their rules, must be able to demonstrate that they provide an environment for men – maybe through their membership and mode of operation, or promotional information on a web site, Facebook etc.

Emerging sheds that do not meet the membership criteria may receive a complimentary listing on the MENZSHED NZ website to help promote their intentions to establish a shed.

Important:  The word MENZSHED (and variations MenzShed or Menz Shed) is a Trademark owned by MENZSHED NEW ZEALAND Inc.  Please note:

  • Member sheds may use the MENZSHED logo provided that the shed is not indulging in activities or behaviour that brings or may bring the men’s shed movement into disrepute.
  • Sheds intending to seek membership of MENZSHED NZ or wishing to use the expression MENZSHED in their name must seek pre-approval – send us draft copies of Rules or Statement of Intent so the Executive can determine whether the intent of our Rule 4.3 is likely to be met.  

To apply, please complete the form below (or download form).  Your application will be considered at a regular meeting of MENZSHED NZ Executive Committee, and if accepted you will be invoiced for the annual membership fee ($25).  Upon payment you will receive a receipt for the payment, a MENZSHED NZ membership certificate, and advised of the member benefits.

If you experience problems or have any questions, please contact

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