
A survey of sheds identified many MENZSHEDs are involved with conservation activities – supporting habitat building, planting, and manufacturing rodent traps.

Sheds are really simple to work with; they are local community focused, have knowledge available and very keen to produce an effective solution.

Here is a selection of shed stories…..

Waihi Beach MENSHED Pest trap Library

Community pest trap library comes to Waihī Beach – NZ Herald

Waimea Men’s Shed have made over 2000 predator traps many for the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary, Nelson.


Masterton MENZSHED have manufactured three specific designs of ‘Weta Motels’  for the School of Biological Sciences Victoria University of Wellington, schools and Kindergartens in the local area. This Shed also manufactures the DoC designed Ferret and Rat trap boxes that have been installed in Reserves and Forestland areas.See article about the Taieri Blokes Shed.