Kaikoura Community Shed

matauranga-mens-shed4Established 2017   MENZSHED NZ member since 2017

Website: www.kaikoura.link

Address:  14 Ludstone Road, Kaikoura.

Open:  Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am – 12pm.


Trevor Carpenter 029 772 0173 trevor.b.carpenter@gmail.com 
Darryl McRobie 022 431 3583 janmcrobie@me.com

Since the May 2017 open house, we have successfully set up in our new location and have since completed several community projects. We’ve done landscaping, built planters/garden furniture, hosted a surfboard-making group, done repairs, made display boxes for the Kaikoura Museum’s earthquake retrospective and now we’re working on a community garden.

We are also planning on taking some NCTIR workers and other visitors for a row in our 5-man, whaleboat-like wooden rowboat, “Kaikoura Lass”. With SH1 north and south now open, our community has come alive again with thousands of visitors. We are almost back to normal.

We are not an incorporated society and still have a very small membership but we are optimistic that this will change with the attractiveness of our new shed (which is a spacious beauty). We have received generous funding from two sources, one to cover rental of the shed (2 yrs) and the other to cover operating expenses. In terms of finances, health and safety and projects, we are blending our Shed with Te Ha o Matauranga, which is a community organization run by Sarah Beardmore. This organization’s goals; to encourage, promote and create learning opportunities in Kaikoura, fit so well with our own.    

From the archives, Canterbury Sheddies visit 2013Kaikoura 1

We hosted a meeting of the Canterbury Men’s Shed Leaders’ Hub at our Shed.  Click here to read the newspaper article.

Kaikoura 2Kaikoura 3